Everything is made of Frequencies, So frequency therapy is a very simple, non invasive and painless way to help the body heal.



Bioresonance Therapy uses frequencies through a Rayonex machine into the body to eliminate Viruses, Bacteria, Toxins and Parasites in the body.  This therapy has been used in  Germany for over 25 years .  Everything in this world has a frequency it vibrates at. Paul Schmidt took this information and his science to develop this therapy.  By cleaning the body it can then return to normal and heal itself as it was designed to do.

A good example of how this machine works is the opera singer and wine glass.  We have all seen the commercial where someone sings and a glass breaks.  What has happened there is that the singer’s voice  has reached the same frequency as the glass and the glass blows up.  We are basically using this same approach to eliminate the viruses, bacteria , toxins and parasites in the body.

Most people don’t feel anything during treatment, some feel a tingling.

With little or no side effects, some people become tired  or thirsty during the treatment and with the elimination of parasites there could be a change in bowels or a slight headache which can be remedied with extra water to help flush out the body.

During treatment we discuss diet, stress levels and exercise and sometimes changes are suggested to assist the client in achieving a healthier lifestyle.

Some of the conditions that Bioresonance Therapy have helped are: Allergy detection and Elimination, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Bladder Infections, Kidney problems, Prostate problems, Skin issues, Bowel, Colon, Stomach problems, Diabetes, Thyroid conditions, High Blood pressure, West Nile, Mono, Pneumonia, Colds, Flu, Bronchitis, Strep Throat, Ear infections,  Gout, Post Surgery Infections, Warts, Post Chemo cleanses, Sinus problems, Lyme, Depression, Postpartum Hormone balancing, Shingles

West Nile

April 9, 2014 

I woke up one morning feeling quite ill, as the week progressed I felt worse and worse. I went to the clinic which proved pointless as they gave me some pills and told me to go home.

 A friend told me of his experience with their daughter, the symptoms seemed very similar, it appeared to be West Nile.. He told me about Andrea and that after seeing her and taking the bio-resonance therapy his daughter was healed.

 I made an appointment with Andrea, I had nothing to lose as I was not getting better and the medical system did nothing for me to that point. I took one  treatment which takes a few hours, as I was on my way home I already felt a little better. The next day i felt better than I had in weeks, in a few days I was back to normal.


There was an extra bonus as well , I had trouble with “gout “ from time to time, after a few months I realized that I had no gout symptoms, it has  been 1.5 yrs and still no gout issues, and I can eat whatever I want !

 I’m blessed in the fact that some people struggle for years with similar issues and never get fully healed, I was fortunate that a person like Andrea took the time to learn about alternate treatment and actually help people.

 I thank God and Andrea for this.!!



Angel Readings


Distant Healing